HWS Alcohol Education Project

Evaluation of Program Effects
of First 18 Months at HWS
(Rates of Change in Problem Perceptions, Motivation, and Use)
Perceived Heavy Drinking                  - 15%
Reasons for Drinking
to get drunk   - 16%
to break the ice   - 34%
to relieve anxieties   - 31%
Heavy Drinking at Parties/Bars : - 15%
Frequent Heavy Drinking:        - 21%

Evaluation of Program Effects
of First 18 Months at HWS
(Rates of Change in Negative Consequences)
Consequences of Drinking
property damage - 36%
missing class - 31%
inefficient in work - 25%
unprotected sex - 40%
memory loss - 25%

Multi-Year  Impact

Perceived Attitudes and Actual Attitudes and Frequent Heavy Use

Impact Discussion -- Can we also demonstrate immediate impact?

Two-Month Intervention Impact on High-Risk Drinking in Transition to College

Impact Discussion:
Trends in Liquor Law Violations

Multi-Year Intervention Impact at HWS on Liquor Law Arrests