HWS Library Holdings |
HWS Alcohol and Other Drugs Journal Holdings - A listing of the journals that you can find at the Warren Hunting Smith Library. A great resource for research projects and papers, our library contains the journals Alcohol Health and Research World, Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, and Journal of Studies on Alcohol, among many other very useful publications. HWS Alcohol and Other Drugs Book Listing - This listing includes all alcohol and other drug related books. Hundreds of titles are listed alphabetically by author. HWS Faculty Research Bibliography - Dozens of articles written by Dr. H. Wesley Perkins, Dr. David W. Craig, and Dr. Alan D. Berkowitz have been published in scholarly journals. This is a listing of those articles, many of which are readily available from the library or by contacting the author. HWS Faculty Publications about HWS Students - This is a bibliography of the articles published using data from the Hobart and William Smith campus and students. A very useful resource if student data is needed. Warren Hunting Smith Library Electronic Resources Collection - The HWS library electronic resources homepage (Voyager Catalog). This page includes electronic databases, electronic journals, internet resources, library guides, and periodical holdings. NIAAA's Alcohol Research and Health (HWS Holdings) - The HWS library holds many volumes of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's publication Alcohol Research and Health (formerly Alcohol Health and Research World). The organization's publications homepage can be found here. It contains a listing of all issues of the journal and the contents of the issues.
page last modified: 9/3/2012